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Wednesday, 21 November 2007

England says goodbye to Euro2008

As I was walking outside in the streets. I sense that something was wrong. There was hardly anyone walking in the streets. Probably its was my imagination... until I heard my neighbor shouting 'howay' which means 'come on' in Geordie language while watching the tele. I was wondering what could make a Englishman so worked up..., then it sparked in my mind. The Euro qualifying rounds were playing at this very night. So I headed to my laptop, open my mozilla, typed and saw the headlines which goes...

England Out.

It was then I knew that England fans were looking like this...

Sniffles, we won't see Beckham for a long time...

England never fails to upset their fans.

One of my idols.

Now I won't be able to see my idol playing, probably never anymore.

The Three Lions.

Well to a country which showed me the beauty of football, good luck in winning the World Cup.

No more of his sulking face.

Probably won't be seeing his face anymore too. haha

Food for the dude

Welcome to my blog again. Due to the fact that I have a 'fan' who wants to hear about my story, I'll post one for his sake =)

Alright straight to the point. Cooking was never my thing. I repeat. WAS never. After a series of events (when I had nothing to eat) which cause me to rethink my activities.

Shoulda read this earlier...

I was forced to cook… so I started by cooking an egg, the easiest thing to cook in the world. You can do anything with an egg. You can fry, stew, boil, pan fry, stir fry and loads more. Marvelous thing of nature. Absolutely wonderful. It also makes you full.

Eggs, you gotta love 'em...

Until now.

NOW, I am able to cook loads more delicious food. I have fallen in love with cooking. Cooking is really fun and exciting. Let’s see what I have cooked recently.

Yummy... Chicken curry dish with potatoes, long beans & boiled eggs.

The curry was spicy with the potatoes sliced to small cubes and was soft while the eggs was an addition to the dish.

This dish was cooked by me but with assistance from my fellow house mates which I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to them. =)

Next on the list...

Healthy food for the soul

Roasted chicken with stewed pork sausage, baked chips and fresh salad… including the complimentary Cuvée Mythique-Shiraz Grenache 2005 wine courtesy of Mr. LFM (he wishes to stay anonymous).

The chicken was marinated & roasted in an oven with the chips while the fresh salad was purchased with some addition of fresh cabbage. There was a variety of sauces available (as shown) for the salad depending on their taste.

Anyway both dishes were great with everyone complimenting a great dinner they had. I was so happy with myself and with the excellent and wonderful food I had.

BTW the roasted chicken was the easier one to cook compared to the curry dish! =p

Well this are the dishes that I managed to capture pictures of but the rest of them were equally tasty and nice. I hope that I can continue to cook more different dishes in the future but with my workload and assignments coming around, it could be hard to manage but… I’ll try! *fingers crossed*

Sunday, 4 November 2007



Testing 123... hi there! This is my first blog ever created in my life. To say, I was never an avid fan of blogs till now. The reason I created this blog is for me to spend my boring days and free time while I am in a country foreign to me since I was born. May this blog help me to fulfill its purpose and also for people who want to know more about my experience in my life although it may not be as happening as most bloggers who are more famous. Here's my life's story.

Signing out for now. CHEERS!